Lilit Hogtanian - Dancer

Lilit Hogtanian, a Los Angeles native, started her training with Yuri Grigoriev. At the age of 15, was featured in Los Angeles Times ‘Face to Watch’ following her performances as Clara for Los Angeles Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker.

She was a semi-finalist in the Prix de Lausanne and won first place in the contemporary and classical category of the Youth American Grand Prix, Long Beach, Ca. Lilit graduated from Academie Princesse Grace on full scholarship and went on to work as a professional dancer at the Slovak National Theatre, Ballet Memphis, the Dance Theatre of Harlem, and State Street Ballet.

She has performed soloist and principal roles in various classical and contemporary productions including Nikiya in La Bayadere, the Sylph in La Sylphide, Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Nacho Duato’s Coming Together, Square Dance by George Balanchine, and Cupid and Kitri’s Friends in Don Quixote.